Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"I'm in love with you...

...and I feel fine." I Feel Fine by The Beatles.

As promised, here's the next exciting installment of what's up with us. :)

My sweet and precious neighbor who I had to say goodbye to this week. She was invaluable as I packed all of our stuff--she came in and helped pack my kitchen and all my clothes in a matter of hours...and she painted my and her baby Gabbi's toes too!

The Graduation Ceremony was very impressive.
You can see the back of my boy's head here. Foreground, second from the right.
My boy walking down to get his diploma. <3

Driving in the car!!!! I got to try on the hat too. :)

And now we're down south looking for a house! Pray that God'll lead us to the right one. 

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