...falling on a tin roof." Come Away With Me, by Norah Jones

So, it's raining and dark and depressing again. But I am having a lovely time with my well-lit room, making this dress for a dance next Saturday (not this weekend, but the next.) So I'm going to try my hand at liveblogging for the first time. We'll see how it goes. :)

So, first I got out the pattern and read it and tried to figure out how to cut the thing out.

Then I started trying to stitch the pieces together. But the Singer I'd borrowed from my sister hates me, or is possessed, or a combination of the two, and this is was the best effort it would put forth for me. So I called my mom and sent her this picture to get her advice.

After many tears and gnashing of teeth (on my part), her advice was to pack up the evil Singer and go to Walmart and invest in my very own, brand new, sparkling-shiney machine. A nice basic one, without emotional baggage and without years of bitterness and lint stored up on its insides.

Which I did.

Then I stuck pins in pieces as per the guide recommended.

Then I stitched together the bodice so it's looks eerily similar to Snow White's dress...
That's where I am now...

Sigh. I might have to borrow your sewing machine now, if the emotional baggage on the other gets too intense.
Yay, for sewing.
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